Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Islamic concrete solutions Transformation of Life

Today the world has changed, changed following the path of life is transformed in accordance with the dynamics of the flow of life in it. Changes occur not only in terms of lines of natural resources became a settled us or our lives, but change happens has to subjekktifitas rooted in the life of human resources itself.
Human resources is different era now adjust to kulturisasi which has become the custom of the time, unlike the tangible notwithstanding the same in essence.
The transformation of life that is currently happening is part of fitroh human life, but in this case does not mean that we as humans are resigned to fitroh which has been destined by Him we should be aware that changes in life that exist today is because since the shift in culture or cultures constructed and power is the source of life style of life.
menggebrakan themselves with the reality that there is a way that then we are aware of the process of our lives today.
sekulrisme presence, communism or schools of human thought which is currently growing rapidly in this life is due to the weakness of-rows rows of Islam who can not afford meraptakan row.
Streams of human thought as secularism, atheism, communism and isms other is the product of man who always had the interest to transform themselves in accordance with the orientation and unrest are drafted in such a way that later humans involved mengapresisasi thought-pemikiranya that will keep people from kehidupanya essence, that the worship of the one God.
Islam as Dien and is a religion that directly ciptkan by God is one solution konkert to be footing unrest-kerasahan that reported by people from across the ages, and we as adherents Muslims should continue to maintain unity to continue mnejaga purity of Islam until the end of life this berahkhir.
Akhirul kalam ber transformation congratulations to comrades Indonesian Islamic Student Central Java ( Pw Pii Central Java ) at the Plenary III in Dodeti 11-13 March 2016.
Hopefully more progressive in moving and always Istiqomah as the chain of unity of Muslims.
Al Hikmah Unnes
12 March 2016/3 Jumadi End 1437 H
1:55 pm.

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